Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2009

Devon-6 Landyn-5 Courtney-3 Nichole-2

Christmas 2006

Devon-3 years  Landyn-2 years
I love this picture! I kind of miss them being little, they grow up so fast.

Happy 6th Birthday Courtney

 We had Courtney's birthday party with Nichole's but she asked, "Can we please have a birthday party on my birthday, we don't have to have presents just some family and cake!" How could I say no to that? She asked for a castle cake, which I am embarrassed to even have a picture on here, but she isn't hard to please. Thank goodness! :o)
So we had Darrin and Maria and their kids over as well as Papa Mike and Ryan grilled steak! And we had a happy birthday girl!  The shirt is from Aunt Maria it says I WISH EVERYDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY!
(2 yrs old)
(1 week old)

(11 months)
(3 yrs old)
Courtney is such a sweet girl, always wanting to help her mama and full of love and hugs! She is a total drama queen and keeps us laughing(and rolling our eyes). She is a keeper! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Birthday Party!

Courtney's Birthday is December 29th and Nichole's is December 14th so we just have a party for both of them together. Nichole turned 5 and Courtney is 5 getting ready to turn 6!
 Landyn says cake and ice cream is the best part of a party!:0)
  Calissa was being hugged and kissed like crazy from Karter! He couldn't get enough! LOL! She was a good sport about it! :o)

 Nichole and Kaylee
 Aunt Maria made the cake, the girls have been asking the last 2 years for a princess cake and I wasn't ready to tackle it. She did an awesome job and my girls were loved it!

 Bradyn being a brother! :o)
 My handsome husband sporting one of Nichole's birthday presents!
Princess Calissa sitting on Kristin's lap,

~12 years~

(photo taken by Landyn)
Yesterday made 12 years for Ryan and I to be married! He is my best friend and a wonderful husband! He works hard and takes time for his kids and most of all keeps God first in his life! I couldn't ask for better. Happy Anniversary Babe, I love you!

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Few Fall shots~

 Hunting Buddies!
  1.  Best Friends!

 Daddy's little girl! She loves to go with dad where ever he goes, hunting, fishing, roofing, cutting trees, you name it, she wants to be with him! She loves her daddy!
One of my favorite little nephews!

Spirit Day at School

My pictures don't download right, not sure why....

Nichole feels left out when the other three dress up for something for school so she dresses up at home too! :o)
I love this picture of Landyn!

Happy 5th Birthday Nichole!

Happy Birthday to our baby girl! I can't imagine life without her! She is so full of life and smiles! As ornery as can be and loves her sister, brothers and daddy bunches!
She was so excited to go to bed last night knowing she was going to wake up five! When she got up this morning with her wild bed head hair and a big smile she said " today is my birthday, I am five.....but why am I still little?!?" LOL!  I love her bunches and while I am glad my kids are growing up, I am saddened that they won't always be little and full of hugs and kisses, needing mommy to kiss a "booboo" or hold them while they are sick! It is a reminder that they grow up quick and I need to take the time while they are young to sit and hold them, hug them and tell them everyday that I love them! I am sure that one of these days they will be embarrassed to be with me or let anyone know that I am their mom! :o)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

~All kinds of things~

Sunday Morning Shot~ Courtney was excited to be "dressed alike" so we had Daddy take our picture!
 Courtney did her hair and Nichole's, she was quite proud.:o)
Jacob was a trooper, just sitting and letting the girls do his hair. Such a cutie!

 Brett & Tina's Wedding
Brett counting up cash to see if he has enough to "buy" his new bride back from the bandits that stole the bride! He had to have $300! Notice Tina's boot, those were her wedding shoes!:o)

The returning of the bride!

 Nichole loves this little gal!We are getting quite attached!
 ~Halle and Nichole made sugar cookies~
~Halle and Jacob~Don't they look ornery?!