I don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner! It is the shampoo I use in the shower, when I wash my hair the shampoo runs down my whole body and (duh!) Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is the warning, "FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY." No wonder I have been gaining weight. Well....... I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using DAWN DISHWASHING SOAP instead! Its label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE." Problem solved!!! If I don't answer the phone............I'll be in the shower!! (my sis sent me this, I thought it was quite funny!)
Landyn got Mr. Daring, which was very appropriate! After he sat down he asked what daring meant?! I wasn't sure I wanted to explain, because I didn't want him proud enough to keep the name! However, I don't think I have a choice! He has his Uncle Paul and Uncle Darrin in him!:o) He and Devon both made it on the honor roll as well! We are proud of them!
We picked our first bunch of strawberries today! The kids love growing things to watch them, pick em, then eat em! We get to have strawberries with ice cream tonight!! YAY!
Egg Toss~ Landyn caught the egg above his head and it broke! He was a good sport about it! Everytime he and his partner threw the egg to each other it hit the ground, they never did catch it but it never broke until he caught it above his head!
~Egg Race~
First & Second Grade Boys~ Looks like trouble to me! Their poor teacher!
~Racing~One of Devon's favorite things to do is race, he loves running! And he is fast for a little man!
I surprised Devon and made a cake for home on his actual Birthday since we had his party the Saturday before! He was so excited! It is suppose to be baseball incase you can't figure it out!
Wrestling with Nichole, our animal lover! She sure doesn't get it from me!
This is Buck, isn't that appropriate since we already have a Hunter?! I am more than willing to loan this dog out if anyone is in dyer need of one! He is suppose to be full lab but I am not competely convinced. Suprisingly he does not jump on you! That is a plus! Nothing was more frusterating than heading out the door for church an having Hunter jump on me or a couple of the kids. Only to have to go back inside and change. We broke him of that though! He didn't care for high heels!:o)
Turtles lined the rocks, getting some sun! They gotta look good in their swim suits ya know?!!!
Sarah and I took the kids to the park or a picnic and to feed the ducks on Thursday, we had Kaitlynn, Jena, Mason, Courtney, Nichole and Jacob! Hence the lack of pictures! For 6 kids, they were pretty good!
HE IS HOW OLD??? My baby boy turned 8 today! Kind of a happy sad! He is excited to be 8, he just wonders why he is so little for being 8, but thought maybe when he turns 9 he will be tall?!! HANDSOME BIRTHDAY BOY!
Patiently waiting!
We had a party on Saturday since it wasnt gonna work for some of the family to be here the next weekend. Devon got to pick one friend to come, I know that is kind of lame as parents, but we thought we would try one and then if that went well maybe a couple more next time. Keep in mind we have cousins as well! :o)
Isreal was his friend of choice, who I might add is a good kid!