Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Devon!!

HE IS HOW OLD??? My baby boy turned 8 today! Kind of a happy sad! He is excited to be 8, he just wonders why he is so little for being 8, but thought maybe when he turns 9 he will be tall?!!


Patiently waiting!

We had a party on Saturday since it wasnt gonna work for some of the family to be here the next weekend. Devon got to pick one friend to come, I know that is kind of lame as parents, but we thought we would try one and then if that went well maybe a couple more next time. Keep in mind we have cousins as well! :o)

Isreal was his friend of choice, who I might add is a good kid!

A normal scence at a get together!

This is what I made today for school!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Devon!!!! I love your picture, Alicia - brings back memories of our senior year. (*snicker*) :D
