Thursday, November 4, 2010

One fish, two fish, three fish....

Baby catfish


The latest addition to our house!! A huge fish tank with 2 goldfish, 5 or 6 catfish, and several perch. Ryan and the kids love catching the fish to put in here, feeding them, and watching them! Like we needed something else that breathes in our house!! :o/ I will admit it is kind of neat, but I look at it as one more thing to have to clean!! ;o)


  1. What fun. Just a warning though, don't clean the glass with windex - it goes through the glass. We learned that the hard way. :( Not so good on the fish. :D

  2. :) I am SURE this is alot of work, but it looks beautiful! I am like you...I hesitate to bring anything in that is just going to require more cleaning. I am sure your kiddo's (and your man) love it!
    Just wanted to stop by your blog and wish you a great week!
