Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nichole & G-ma Frankie

Nichole and Grandma having an apple together! Nichole was where ever grandma was this afternoon, if Natalie was taking grandma to the bathroom Nichole was holding her arm walking with her too!

We went to the farm Thursday and Friday so I could help Natalie get some laundry done and we did some cleaning/organizing. Guess she has the nesting thing going on, 3 more weeks and she will have her baby...I am guessing a boy!

I was telling Grandma to smile, Nichole was making sure she was!

Sometimes we wake up grumpy, sometimes we let her sleep!
Isn't she adorable while she is asleep!? I love to just watch my kids while they are sleeping! There is something peaceful about it! LOL! In a few ways!
Nichole fell a week ago at church and scraped her nose and cheek up as well as bite her lip pretty bad, it looks alot better now. (Just so you know she doesn't have anything hanging out her nose!)

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet pictures. I was wondering about Natalie. I hope she is doing well. That is awful nice of you to go help her out. Hope you're doing good, too. :)
